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Don Bosco Matadi - Monrovia

Home for the young

4th February 2015: GREETINGS AND THANKS

After months of great suffering, now there are some words of hope from the Salesian missionaries in Monrovia: "Here we are emerging from the Ebola epidemic, albeit slowly. The number of cases reported has dropped to two or three per week, and the chain of infection appears to be under control. We feel the need to thank the Lord who has moved the hearts of so many people to dedicate their lives to winning the battle against Ebola."

The success, even if only partial, is due to the intervention of International Organizations such as WHO, Caritas International, Doctors Without Borders, ... and the heroic work of prevention by many volunteers in spreading information and distributing medical supplies and food. Among these volunteers there were than forty young leaders from the Mission.

We have been through a period of psychological stress in coping with many inadequacies. In addition to the risk of infection, there was the need to be seen by a doctor or admitted to hospital and not finding either doctor or hospital.  There was also the stress of not being able to offer accommodation, because forbidden, or to assist the sick or accompany their loved ones to the cemetery. We had to change our way of greeting people, avoiding an embrace or handshake. There was the economic stress due to the long period of emergency when schools were closed and also many shops. Normal activity ceased. Families that were already in difficulty were further impoverished.

With the help of benefactors, who assist us with prayer and economic contributions, we were able to help more than 3000 people. We distributed well in excess of 400 tons of rice, 500 litres of oil, and 500 buckets of chlorine disinfectant. We came to the help of more than 200 people in need of medical assistance and economic aid.

In February, the school resumes activities and students will need grants to pay school fees. With your help, the Mission can remain close to the people at this time of delicate and difficult recovery after the long period of forced inactivity.

Let us remain united in prayer and in serving Jesus whom we love in our brothers and sisters who are suffering and in need.

Thanks for the help that you give us to enable us to be brothers to those in need!





4th February, 2015 by don Nicola Ciarapica





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