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Don Bosco Matadi - Monrovia

Home for the young


Dear Friends,
the new site is on line from October 2012!

It is a gift for the Salesian Presence in New Matadi-Monrovia (Liberia) but it is a gift for all of us as further opportunity to live the mission together.

The site come to existence during the Missionary month of October in the 50th anniversary of the beginning of the Second Vatican Council and of the opening of the Year of Faith and the Synod of Bishops on the theme of the New Evangelization. 

Let us collaborate to make the Kingdom of God sowed in Matadi-Monrovia grown up. We also are in that seed that wants to reach maturity and bring fruit.


The first Salesian arrived in Liberia since 1979. A lot of Salesians form England, Ireland, North America spent their lives with these youths.


May the enthusiasm and the love of Don Bosco continue to involve many in building here in Matadi,Monrovia “a Home that welcomes, a School that prepares for life, a Church to relate with God, a Family where to live in love”.


Matadi - Monrovia

7th October, 2012





22th October, 2012 by Admin





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