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Don Bosco Matadi - Monrovia

Home for the young

21st June 2013: The salesian presence in New Matadi is now community canonically erected

On 21st June 2013, the Rector Major of the Salesians of Don Bosco and his council approved the request presented to recognize the mission in New Matadi – Monrovia as Salesian House canonically erected.
In Liberia the Salesians are present since 1979 and the sons of don Bosco arrived from Ireland-England and from North America provinces.
The Salesians present in Liberia (six in number) were living as one community but in two different quarters of Monrovia: three confreres in 8th Str. near the university of the capital city and three confreres in a swamping area of the periphery called Matadi.
Even though two Salesians were residing in Matadi since 1996, were members of the only salesian  community in Monrovia.
Along the years the pastoral demands increased … together with the Youth Centre Oratory, the Parish and the presence of the aspirants, has been built some structures for the Nursery, primary, junior and secondary school.
Now the community is formed by 4 confreres: a young salesian Achiampong James in practical training, Fr. Raphael Airoboman, who is just new ordained priest and will take care of the School, Fr. Matthew Udoka in charge of the Youth Centre and youth pastoral animation, Fr Nicola Ciarapica as Parish priest, Economer and Rector of the House.       





21th June, 2013 by Admin





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